Thursday, April 15, 2010

Just time for a quickie

Am having Election debate party. That is to say half a dozen people coming round to watch TV and make rude comments about our glorious leaders. Asked a lot more people. Excuses included:
* "I know enough already."
* "I've got five lambs to feed."
* "I've got the lambing men to feed." (Lambing is big right now in Northumberland.)
* "I'm away - very away."
* "I'm a fascist. I shoot at the TV these days when Gordon Brown's on it. You wouldn't like me any more if I came."
* And strangely enough "He's canvassing, or putting leaflets through doors or something" because the political process goes on up here even in presidential politics is arriving at a TV station near you any second. In fact, Friends of the Earth organised a meeting tonight for the Berwick constituency candidates which they are all going to apart from the Tory candidate Anne-Marie Trevelyan. I don't know what Anne-Marie is doing. (I invited her to my party but she hasn't replied. There's a chance she's lambing.)

I'm only having the party because I went round a couple of the local pubs hoping someone would have it on one of their big tellies. Excuses from managers included:
* "No, we'll have the sport on. People are more interested in sport",
* "It's happening at dinner time. People like to eat their dinner in peace."

Looking at the local paper, the magnificent Northumberland Gazette (everyone reads the Gazette up here - it's the law) life goes on regardless. Aside from the Friends of the Earth meeting, there's a nature talk on "Birding in Majorca" hosted by the Natural History Society, and another talk entitled "My Love of Flowers" to the Warkworth and District Flower Club and yet one more on the Newcastle and Carlisle Railway to the Aln Valley Railway Society (with Refreshments.) So is the world going to stop to watch the guys in action? Not everybody's. Mine is though.

I've bought in smoked salmon pate for the Tories, hummus for any Liberal Democrats and guacamole for the New Labour among us. There is alcohol (a necessity) and bags of popcorn (a luxury). I've even moved a sofa from one room to another exposing all the dust and grime that lurks underneath which you usually don't get to see. Maybe it was a sign. A bit like the volcanic eruption. I'm pretty sure the Romans would have cancelled any event slated for a day a volcano erupted and filled the sky with ash. Plus, driving back from the shop, I saw three different dead pheasants on the road. I just about stopped myself from climbing out the car, slicing them open and reading their entrails.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you...sooooooo excited and I've even put up my Labour poster in the window!!!!

Jan said...

Maybe the pheasants flew too high and inhaled volcanic ash? Have a good party!

Kate said...

Hope it's going well. My husband and I and our two new kittens are having a very small similar party ourselves now the kids are in bed. But I've sneaked my netbook on for a quick check of my blog and to read my favourites .... while watching closely of course. Actually it's quite hard to hear over the purring. Am assuming the kittens aren't Tories. By the way, I like the guacamole for New Labour supporters!

Mimi said...

Elections and debates don't excite me (apart form the count, that is), but your party sounds good! Enjoy!

billatbingley said...
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billatbingley said...

I watched the last 40 minutess of the Great Debate and thought that Nick Clegg came across streets ahead of Glorious Gordon and Delightful Dave, who seemed to spend much of the time trying to score points off each other.
At least Naughty Nick appeared to be the most honest of the three, and had some salient points to make. Not just the usual rhetoric!

What a sensible lot of people those Northumbrians are. Life goes on as usual despite the Great Debate. Of course talks on "Birding in Majorca", "My Love of Flowers" and "The Newcastle & Carlisle Railway" should take precedence!

Anne-Marie T said...

Hi WITN. I never got an invitation, would have loved to come to your party! But already booked in with prior engagement, which is why I couldn't do the debate in Alnwick tonight. We are doing three more though - an NFU one, and two churches ones, in Alnwick and Berwick. Dates should be in papers. Hope sofa moving not too traumatic experience - I hate finding stuff the kids have kindly left underneath!

Lou Archer said...

Well it's the day after the day before and I say 'way to go Cleggy!' We may not have been able to remember your name before now and you do not have a memorable face like 'hush-puppy-gone-wrong' or 'smack-me-I'm-rich' but I LIKE YOU.... worries me that I may be the only one who does!

freddo41 said...


"Am assuming the kittens aren't Tories."

Of course the kittens aren't Tories. No kittens are.
They just sit around and kip all day when they're not demanding to be fed. And they contribute nothing to society except next year another batch of feckless, do-nothing scroungers.
Show me a kitten who 'wants to put something back' and I'll show you a Tory kitten.
Meanwhile I'm sure your pair will turn out to be another couple of smug lefties - much like their 'owners'.

maddie said...

The big question in my village is who was responsible for defacing the Tory poster in the study, with me being the prime suspect. We seem to have a long tradition of Westcountry anarchy in these parts when it comes to party political posters. On my blog today, you can see the latest faceless politician. Literally.