Realised this morning that the boot of the still locked Saab contains the baby's buggy, my wellington boots and all the CDs which put me in a good mood. It also contains three sets of white rabbit ears attached to plastic headbands (facepaints included); two bags of golden wrapped chocolate chicks, two bags of rainbow wrapped chocolate eggs and three little furry toy rabbits. That is to say the car has eaten Easter.
I suppose it could be worse. I could have woken up tomorrow and been forced to tell the children the Easter Bunny had died.
OMG at least you know they won't melt, well at least I hope they don't, I can't tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog its like a breat of fresh air, I am a Yorkshire lass in Australia and by hec I miss the place.
Oh dear, I fear the chocolate will have meltd too ...
Hmm, consider yourself lucky in this weather that your shopping wasn't fresh meat, fish or fowl. While your 'lock out' will one day fade into memory - the stench of rotten prawn is persistant and all-pervasive...
I will bring you some more -plus some of those magazines Ms Wifey - trust this willhelp.
The Easter Bunny was in my sitting room yesterday, sharply dispatched by the border terrier. Blame me if you want
Happy Easter! My 22year old daughter showed me your blog last November, I've been reading with laughter and sometimes tears, Thank you for your wonderful words,it is a joy to my heart, my children have all grown and are in college, I do still set up bunnies and baskets of eggs all about our home,I didn't think they noticed,yet my 19 year old Sam said it was funny that I'd set out a rubber sunny side up egg with a green plastic egg "cracked" open beside the stove. Life
is always changing, seeing the humor is an awesome thing! Best wishes!
oh- was that the Easter Bunny?
Didn't know. Tasted good though!
well the car eat your easter while my three year old just wiped his face clean of the evidence of him eating ours....
Oh wifey, you still haven't found the car keys then?
How irritating?
I have a husband with a photographic memory, we both lose things often, he has this stunning knack of sitting down, and recalling through mental back tracking where the last place anything was last seen and 99 times out of a 100 he finds it/them.
Sadly this has not worked on a gorgeous blue linen skirt that I have lost - boo hoo! I feel a trip to the Boden website to buy a new one! A lot cheaper than replacing your car keys though!
maybe the keys too??????Get the RAC to break in before saab charge you £12c
To avoid sending the E Bunny into therapy, I once had to take a large screwdriver and two hammers to the back seat. After carefully organising an Easter egg hunt for the whole family, I had packed the boot with every egg produced in this area and then carelessly thrown my car keys in the bin!
You are not alone.
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