Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I said to the baby girl - and I know you should not ask such questions of children - "Who do you love the most?". She stared back at me, her face all truth and beauty; hazel blue eyes and her mouth which looks like mine at the corners. I whispered again as I bunched her to me, settling in to the rocking chair: "Who do you love the most? The best? Who in this world?" She lay back into me, raised up her plastic cup of milk as if to make a toast. "Granny," she confided.


Kim said...

That's what you get for asking such a question of a toddler!

Monica said...

ha ha, never would have thought the choice wasn't between mommy or daddy. so she confided!

merry weather said...

Oh the infinite wisdom of little children - bet granny's chuffed!!

Rachel said...

It is still my Grannie to whom I turn in my hour of need.

Iota said...

You just can't trust a small child. You can, at least, comfort yourself with the thought that she didn't say "Dora the Explorer".

Irene said...

Little kids can be so honest, bet she likes you best tomorrow and the day after!

@themill said...

Well, you did ask!

The Draughtsman said...

"Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings...." Verily was it writ in the Bible.
That's what I love about kids, total lack of guile.
I'll be in Cyprus for the next month or so but I'll keep up via some internet cafe. I hope.

Anonymous said...

Granny's a lucky lady.

Crystal xx

Pig in the Kitchen said...

Damn. I once sang one of my girls a loving ditty in the car. She listened with a soft look on her face then said, 'Mummy, your breath smells really yukky'.
Give your baby more chocolate and buy her dvd's, then she'll love you best.

Potty Mummy said...

I'm with PITK - bribery and corruption works every time... Take no prisoners in the fight for your kid's affection (and I wonder whether it was her maternal or paternal grandmother; the answer to that certainly would have coloured my reaction to the revelation)

sunshine said...

When you think about it, Granny is the provider of all things cozy. Stories, hugs, kisses, unerring warmth, no discipline, no no-no's, etc.

You, on the other hand, as virtually a single parent are the purveyor of yelling, threats, "eat what's on your plate", time for bed NOW, etc.

Now, which would you pick?

Anonymous said...

You could always swap her for something else - I have a rotisserie I am willing to exchange.. also a small baby if you would like one?

Mean Mom said...

Ouch! Maybe she has inherited your sense of humour!

Penny Pincher said...

I'd rather the truth than the political answer ...

Swearing Mother said...

She obviously meant to add "after you Mummy, of course" but couldn't quite get all those words out as yet.

Bless her.

Eurodog said...

She will become a diplomat.

Eats Wombats said...

If it causes a pang now just wait, someday you'll be a granny.

Daniel said...

Dear Mom

Parental love is the most one sided love there is. It is also the deepest and truest love. Your children won't love you back even a tiny fraction as much as you love them, at least not for a very long time. But when you are old, then they will worry about you, as you do them now, and then they start to love you back as much.

Maureen said...

Ask her again when she's a teen begging you for money to buy clothes... THEN you'll rate the highest! ;)

Lost in Spriggan Mist said...

Its always Nanna in my house too

Racheal Miles said...

Racheal c