I escaped to London for a couple of days with a toothbrush, a large wad of disposable cash and a certain amount of guilt. But it was worth it - seeing friends, an exhibition, a movie, a haircut, a bit of shopping. Amazing what you can fit in - and how much money you can spend for that matter - when you are on a tight schedule. The best bit was probably the dusking view over a darkening Trafalgar Square complete with sparkling Christmas tree and distant Big Ben. Lovely. Made me homesick. But where is my home now? Will we stay in Northumberland or will we come back? If we did come back could I cope with the crowds, the squalor you glimpse out of the corner of your eye, the "body on the line in North London" which delayed my travel. Talking also made me realise that maybe I should open up and let some people up here in. Get them one of those red enamelled badges prefects used to wear when I was young. Instead of House Captain though, it could read in gilt lettering "New Mate". I wonder if anyone up here would want one.
i am stealing your badge
Maybe if you weren't so disparaging about Northumbrians, you may have more mates.
A lot of us read books, have degrees and shock, horror, work in the media.
The majority of us don't live our lives with the theme from Deliverance playing in the background.
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