Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mother time

Took my daughter for a walk on the beach yesterday. We paddled together in the water which spills across the sands and out to the sea. Barefoot, she jumped splash and splash again and took up small fistfuls of dry and golden sand to carry over and empty out into the rippling spill. I scooped up my own handfuls of sand and watching her play, held out my fists, released a little and then more till they were empty. Time passed.


Laura Jane Williams said...

Once again I am reminded how I cannot wait to be a mum myself...

Frog in the Field said...

Ahh, sounds much more peaceful in Wifey world, Thank goodness for that!

Anonymous said...

The beach can be a tranquil place xx

Anonymous said...

Most of my happiest memories of the time I spent with my children when small and I was a house parent are on the beach. It entertains for days on end and costs nothing at all.. we would spend whole days doing nothing...

Maggie May said...

There's nothing like a paddle in the sea with a child, as I know too well!

Mai-Britt Axelsen said...

Glad you are well again, can't wait to read your book. Your writing is so great; poetic and hilarious at the same time. It makes me cry and laugh - thanks...........

Inaminit said...

Such time must be treasured. Glad life is again more peaceful if only briefly.

OvaGirl said...

Beautiful snapshot. Thankyou.

Pam said...

Isn't it great that you've got all these lovely memories recorded on your blog?
When you start to lose your marbles you'll be able to read them and remember!

Housewifeinthehighlands said...

Sounds blissful. You have reminded me I need to take some time to go somewhere nice and do nothing with my children.

Missy,Mrs and Mum said...

Hope the sun was out for you both! Just found your blog and its great. Will be back to read more, missy

Anonymous said...

I am surprised not to have recieved my invite for the book launch. Really I am in a big enough panic about what to wear without worrying about if I am invited. Also one small dog.

Swearing Mother said...

How lovely, sounds idyllic.

ADDY said...

How I envy you those Northumbrian beaches. My husband's family originate from up there and we have visited that area a lot. Bamburgh beach is to die for. You are really so lucky, whatever you might think.

icemaidensmellingthecoffee said...

Aah the simple things in life. How magical. Enjoy your blog very much and can't wait for the book. A new girl on the block -


Elsie Button said...

Lovely snippet! my daughter spent yesterday afternoon scooping up fistfuls of dry golden sand from the sandpit and emptying it out in our house

Iwanttogettothetop said...

Dear Wifey,

I started following your blog about two and a half years ago. You have made me laugh and cry and as a new mother gave me hope and comfort that motherhood basically means feeling out of control (as does marriage sometimes!) I recently bought your book and loved re-living it all, you write beautifully and sum up 'mother love'with tear jerking accurasy.I have already passed on my well thumbed copy to a friend. Thank you 'Wife in the North' I think you are great and hope are now enjoying country life to the full. xox